Have a Sprint Galaxy S4? Use this guide.
Have a T-Mobile Galaxy S4? Use this guide.
If you have AT&T you know that if you want to use WiFi tethering you will be forced to pay an extra fee each month to get this benefit.
This is a very unfair thing as you are already paying for the monthly data charge, why should you pay extra so other devices can use the same data plan? It doesn't make any senese, only shows how greedy the carriers are!
This guide will by pass AT&T's restriction and allow you to get free wifi tethering. You MUST already have data on your phone!
Before we being make sure your AT&T Galaxy S4 SGH-i337 is rooted!
1. Download Root Browser application from the Play Store.
2. Open the app and navigate to /system/app
3. Located TetheringProvision.apk and TetheringProvision.odex. Rename these two files to TetheringProvision.bak and TetheringProvision.bak1. Make sure you grant Superuser Request!
4. Download TetheringProvision.apk directly to your phone using the link below.
Download TetheringProvision.apk
5. Navigate to your downloads folder (/sdcard/Download) or where you downloaded the TetheringProvision.apk.
6. Copy "TetheringProvision.apk" and navigate back to /system/app and paste it.
7. Reboot your Galaxy S4 and turn on native Mobile Hotspot via Settings. AT&T will still give you a warning message, but mobile hotspot/tethering will now work!
8. Enjoy!
Credits - XDA
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