Rooting your phone benefits you in so many ways. By rooting you get full access to your phone so you can get so much more. If your an Apple fan think of it as jailbreaking your iPhone except on steroids! You can install customs roms, backup and restore game data, overclock and underclock your phone, access the core files, and the list goes on.
This will work on any Samsung Galaxy Nexus device (GSM,Verizon,Sprint) and on any Jelly Bean and Ice Cream Sandwich versions!
How to Root Galaxy Nexus on Windows: Here
This will delete EVERYTHING on your phone!
1. Plug your phone via microUSB and enter into bootloader mode (Press volume up, volume down, and power button until you feel a vibration)
2. Download the Galaxy Nexus Root file here:
Download -->
3. Extract the zip file and move the extracted folder into "Downloads" folder
4. Open Terminal and type:
cd Downloads
cd GalaxyNexusRootMac
./fastboot-mac oem unlock
cd GalaxyNexusRootMac
./fastboot-mac oem unlock
5. Press volume up and power button to select "Yes" (It says may void warranty, don't worry because you can always lock the booloader if you want)
6. Go back to Terminal and type:
Type for GSM:
./fastboot-mac flash recovery GSM_recovery-clockwork-touch-
Type for Verizon:
./fastboot-mac flash recovery Verizon_recovery-clockwork-touch-
Type for Sprint:
./fastboot-mac flash recovery Sprint_recovery-clockwork-touch-
7. Enter into ClockworkMod Recovery Mode (First enter into Bootloader Mode then press volume up twice and power to select "Recovery")
8. Select "Reboot System Now" using volume and power buttons.
9. Once your phone has finished rebooting Go back to your computer and go to "Downloads > "GalaxyNexusRootMac" and transfer "" into internal Sd card phone.
Get Android file manager to transfer the file: Here
10. Enter into "Bootloader Mode" (Power off phone, hold down volume up, volume down, and power button until you feel a vibration)
11. Press volume up 2x (twice) and power button to select "Recovery"
12. Select "Install Zip from Sdcard" > "Choose Zip from Sdcard" > Select
13. Choose "Yes" > Go Back > Reboot System Now
Once your phone as finished rebooting your phone will be rooted!
Want to test out if your phone is rooted? Install Titanium Backup and see if you get SuperSU permission.
Q: When I enter into ClockworkMod Recovery I see a dead Android with his chest open.
A: Check out this guide to fix it up: Here
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