Root Nexus 6:
Rooting the Nexus 6 will give you full access to your phone. You will be able to install custom ROMS like Cyanogenmod and Paranoid Android, flash MODS, and use root apps like Titanium Backup! Click here to learn how to root the Nexus 6 on Windows, Mac, and Linux!
Unroot Nexus 6:
Follow this guide to completely remove any sign of root and restore the Nexus 6 back to complete stock. Follow the guide to remove any custom ROMS, MODS, TWRP/CWM Recovery, or any other sign of modifying your device! Once complete it will be safe enough to send back to your carrier/Google/Motorola.
Nexus 6 One-Click Root/Unroot Toolkit for Mac - These toolkits will allow you to easily root or unroot the Nexus 6 on a Mac with just a few clicks!
How to disable forced encryption on rooted Nexus 6 - Disable encryption allows the Nexus 6 to perform faster and many custom ROMS require the Nexus 6 to be de-encrypted before flashing the ROM.
How to install custom ROMS on Nexus 6
How to enter into Recovery Mode on Nexus 6
How to enter into Bootloader Mode on Nexus 6
How to disable forced encryption on rooted Nexus 6 - Disable encryption allows the Nexus 6 to perform faster and many custom ROMS require the Nexus 6 to be de-encrypted before flashing the ROM.
How to install custom ROMS on Nexus 6
How to enter into Recovery Mode on Nexus 6
How to enter into Bootloader Mode on Nexus 6